Subway golf

I never spoke to these two people. They happened to get off at the same subway station as me in Manhattan on Saturday night.
No idea what course they had just finished playing but undeterred by packed crowds, they effortlessly carried their clubs up the stairs and onto Broadway.

Golf isn't the most popular sport but this couple are testimony to the fact that once you're in, once you've got the bug, it's amongst the finest persuits you can play. And so many will go beyond the seemingly sane to get their fix.

The main reason I am now working in the sport is because of my parents. My dad was the first in the family to play. As a little kid, I wondered at how amazing this game must be. My dad, who left early for work Monday to Saturday, would get up even earlier on a Sunday morning, before it was even light, so that he could get 18 holes in before lunchtime.

One shot from greatness. Another from being exasperated. Whether you're amongst the best in the world or a Sunday hacker. That four letter word!


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